Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Introduction to Technology Assignment

For this assignment, you will be submitting a teaching video on YouTube.

Step 1: Take a video of yourself teaching a lesson on something from your teaching major. This needs to be a minimum of four minutes.
Step 2: Upload it onto your computer.
Step 3: Go to YouTube.com
Step 4: Click sign in. Use one of your gmail accounts.
Step 5: Click upload. Choose the video from your library and after selecting it, click "upload" this may take a few minutes.
Step 6: Give the video a name that is easily recognizable and includes your name and topic that you are teaching. (ex: OliviaBauerMultiplication)
Step 7: Click "add description" Most a paragraph (5-8 sentences) describing your video.
Step 7: Ask a minimum of three students in the same class to watch the video and give it feedback.
Step 8: After you have a minimum of three comments on your video, copy the URL at the top of the page, and paste the URL in the discussions box.
**If your URL does not work, you will receive a 0.

Grading Rubric

Name of Video
Upload Video
Description of Video
Lesson found applies to assigned teaching major
URL of video
Total Possible Points

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